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Social Engineering & Red Teaming

Tailored penetration testing scenarios to challenge common attack vectors and unique environments.

Why a Social Engineering Exercise?

Social engineering is one of the best ways to test and validate your organization’s security awareness, and vulnerability to comprehensive social engineering attacks.

Tevora uses reconnaissance efforts to create advanced social engineering attack scenarios tailored to test your specific environment. We take an adversarial perspective to think creatively and accomplish a predetermined goal, whether to gain access to credentialed data or entry to a restricted area.

Put your defenses to the test

Talk to an Expert

Sophisticated Red Teaming
and Social Engineering Tactics

Find the right approach for the unique threats and
vulnerabilities in your environment.

Red Teaming
Phone Pretexting Campaign
Email Phishing Campaign
SMS/Messenger App Phishing
Physical Pen Testing & Tailgate Exercises
Red Teaming

Red Teaming

We use threat modeling and threat actor simulations to perform objectives-based, multi-vector attacks.

Phone Pretexting Campaign

Phone Pretexting Campaign

Uses customized attack scenarios to conduct pretexted phone calls to attempt to collect sensitive data such as passwords, internal tools, and arbitrary command execution. May include impersonating IT staff, internal developers, or third parties requesting sensitive information.

Email Phishing Campaign

Email Phishing Campaign

Uses reconnaissance efforts and predetermined goals to craft customized attack scenarios. Tevora sends phishing emails to a broad range of staff with the objective of inducing staff to reveal credentialed data, or click on links that attackers would use to deliver malicious payloads.

SMS/Messenger App Phishing

SMS/Messenger App Phishing

Creates customized attack scenarios in which Tevora sends targeted SMS or messenger app messages to induce technical and non-technical staff members to reveal credentialed or other sensitive data.

Physical Pen Testing & Tailgate Exercises

Physical Pen Testing & Tailgate Exercises

Uses customized attack scenarios to leverage on-site tailgate social engineering techniques to gain unauthorized access to client facilities.