| Third-Party Risk Management

Effectively Managing Vendor & Third-Party Risk.

Transform your third-party risk management requirements into competitive advantages.

Our Third-Party Risk Management Capabilities

Tevora’s third-party risk management services help protect your organization from undue risks while maintaining collaborative and productive relationships with your increasingly-important network of vendors, partners, and suppliers.

Third-Party Risk Management Services

We offer a broad range of services to meet the unique risk management requirements of your organization.

  • Program Maturity Assessments
  • Software Supply Chain Services
  • Third-Party Assessments
  • Design
  • Build
  • Operate

Program Maturity Assessments

Perform an independent evaluation of your organization’s TPRM program and provide recommendations to continue maturing supporting lifecycle processes:

  • Contracting
  • Tiering
  • Due Diligence
  • Program Metrics
  • Program Documentation

Software Supply Chain Services

Establish and integrate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) processes within the DevSecOps pipeline.

  • Establish Governance Documents
  • Identify Component Dependencies
  • Evaluate License Requirements
  • Streamline Ongoing Maintenance

Third-Party Assessments

Whether on-site or remote, leverage our team of experts to assess the risk posed by your third parties. We offer both standardized and tailored assessments to match the risk domains, security controls, and regulatory requirements your organization prioritizes.


Our experienced team knows the core elements of creating an effective TPRM program. We align our domain experts within your industry to develop a customized program that streamlines processes among key stakeholders to promote secure and long-term business.


Once the program has been designed, we assist our clients with integrating the right technology for the environment. Our team possesses product certifications and extensive experience with leading TPRM platforms and third-party monitoring tools to ensure the deployment is successful.


Fill the gaps within your third-party processes using our team of qualified staff. Whether short- or long-term, our security personnel are ready to operationalize your tools to perform detailed risk assessments, negotiate remediation with nonconforming vendors, report on key performance metrics, and provide ongoing maturity guidance.

Your Trusted Partner for Risk Management Solutions

We develop long-term, trusted partnerships with our clients. With Tevora on your team, you can confidently move forward, knowing we’ve got your back.


We love to roll-up our sleeves and get down in the trenches with you to help get the job done.


Our confident delivery, deep expertise, and strong client partnerships keep us at the forefront of our industry.


We develop strong lasting client relationships that help us understand your unique priorities, environment, and requirements.


Like a dog with a bone, we work tirelessly to help you achieve your risk management goals on time and within budget.

“When cultivating a complex array of third-party relationships, your organization’s attack surface grows exponentially if there is not an effective third-party risk management program in place. Tevora has the experience helping our clients secure their third-party ecosystem and we would be happy to do the same for you.”



Driven By The Wins

We’ve racked up more than our share of praise. Here are some of the awards and credentials we’ve earned for our performance, growth, and innovation.

Our Guiding Principles

Insightful Advice

We care about our clients and each other. We want every relationship to be long-term, so we look to make personal connections and real friendships with everyone we work with.

Expert Resource

We draw from our team’s deep knowledge to devise strategies, design processes, and come up with smart solutions to address each client’s unique risks and daily threats.

Confident Delivery

We are a steady presence in a high-risk industry. We take our responsibilities seriously and follow through with excellence, every step of the way.

Get Started with Tevora Today

Experience a partner that is trustworthy, reliable, and produces the quality you demand.