| Cloud Penetration Testing

Tevora conducts cloud penetration testing to probe your cloud infrastructure to identify any exposure in your cloud environment.

Transform your cloud environment into a competitive advantage.


We leave no stone unturned as we hunt for vulnerabilities in your cloud applications

Testing evaluates compute-instance-based and cloud-native components of targeted applications and includes credentialed and non-credentialed testing as well as manual and automated testing of commercial and open-source tools.

Covers all OWASP Top Ten Vulnerabilities for web applications.

Cloud Application Penetration Test Report provides executive summary of findings, documentation of your existing security posture, exploit code examples, and remediation recommendations.


Tests that probe your cloud infrastructure from internal and external network perspectives to identify areas of exposure

Validates corporate security policy and development standards by assessing the resiliency of your internal network against determined intruders.

Objectives-based testing covers all aspects of your cloud infrastructure including VPCs, customer data segmentation, IAM, and cloud application architecture.

Cloud Infrastructure Penetration Test Report provides executive summary of findings, documentation of test results, exploit code examples, and remediation recommendations.

Tevora’s proven testing approach ensures a solid defense

Step 1
  • Review client-provided documentation of cloud applications and infrastructure
  • Enumerate URLs and endpoints
  • Conduct open-source intelligence gathering
Step 2
  • Conduct cloud application and infrastructure penetration tests
  • Review test results to identify vulnerabilities
Step 3
  • Prepare executive summary of test results
  • Prepare detailed findings report with recommended remediations
  • Remediate and retest with validation

“Moving to the cloud provides organizations with all kinds of benefits, but can leave exposure to cyberattacks. The good news is that our experienced penetration test team can help you quickly identify and fix cloud vulnerabilities, giving you confidence that your cloud environment is well defended against attacks.”



Driven By The Wins

We’ve racked up more than our share of praise. Here are some of the awards and credentials we’ve earned for our performance, growth, and innovation.

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Our Guiding Principles

Insightful Advice

We care about our clients and each other. We want every relationship to be long-term, so we look to make personal connections and real friendships with everyone we work with.

Expert Resource

We draw from our team’s deep knowledge to devise strategies, design processes, and come up with smart solutions to address each client’s unique risks and daily threats.

Confident Delivery

We are a steady presence in a high-risk industry. We take our responsibilities seriously and follow through with excellence, every step of the way.

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