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The Beginner’s Guide to Linux Hardening: Initial Configuration
Sometimes simpler is better, and when it comes to technology, simpler can also mean more secure. ...
Read More about The Beginner’s Guide to Linux Hardening: Initial Configuration
3 Steps to Implementing Your Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Architecture
Setting up a public key infrastructure helps you manage digital security certificates, encryption...
Read More about 3 Steps to Implementing Your Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Architecture
Resuscitating John the Ripper for SHA-512
John the Ripper ( is a well-known and mature password auditing tool....
Three things to harden OpenSSH on Linux
The OpenSSH package comes installed on most Linux distributions; however, the default configurati...
Adding SSL to Ubuntu / Apache2 / Ruby on Rails
There are many sources on Google for configuring SSL with Ubuntu, Apache2, and Ruby on Rails, but...
Read More about Adding SSL to Ubuntu / Apache2 / Ruby on Rails
Configuring Egress (Outbound) Rules with iptables (ubuntu style)
There is a lot of information on iptables (the Linux firewall) out there, but most of them focus ...
Read More about Configuring Egress (Outbound) Rules with iptables (ubuntu style)
Deleted Files … are they really gone?
Does deleting a file on a computer really mean its lost forever? Short answer: no. Longer answer:...
Lions, Tigers, and…IP Addresses
For anyone who remembers their zoology, or has watched enough Animal Channel or National Geograph...
While conducting most of our penetrationtests, we often find a very common DNS vulnerability. In ...
Windows. Unix. Data. Those are the basic ingredients in today’s recipe. Basic businessneed: sec...