| Adversary Simulation

Conducting simulated attacks based on real, modern techniques. Our Adversary Simulation Services involve immersive scenarios that will challenge the most advanced security controls.

Are your defenses strong enough to withstand an attack?

Tevora’s Adversary Simulation Capabilities

Phone Pretexting Campaign

Email Phishing Campaign

SMS Social Engineering

Comprehensive Social Engineering

Targeted Social Engineering Exercises

Tailgate Exercises

Physical Security Controls Review

Comprehensive Physical Penetration Testing


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to phone pretexting attacks.


Uses customized attack scenarios in which Tevora conducts pretexted phone calls to attempt to collect sensitive data such as passwords, internal tools, and arbitrary command execution. Common scenarios include calls impersonating information technology staff, internal developers, or third parties requesting sensitive information or access to endpoints.


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to email phishing attacks.


Uses reconnaissance efforts and client’s goals to craft customized attack scenarios in which Tevora sends phishing emails to a broad range of client’s staff. The main objective is to induce staff to reveal credentialed data or click on links that real attackers could have used to deliver malicious payloads.


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to SMS social engineering attacks.


Our adversary simulation team uses customized attack scenarios in which Tevora sends targeted SMS messages to induce client’s technical and non-technical staff members to reveal credentialed data and other sensitive information. 


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to comprehensive social engineering attacks.


Uses reconnaissance efforts to create advanced social engineering attack scenarios that take an adversarial perspective to adapt to each client’s environment. Scenarios may include phone pretexting or email social engineering, depending on the client’s requirements. The main objective for our adversary simulation services team is to induce staff to reveal credentialed data or allow command execution or payload delivery.


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to on-site social engineering attacks.


Uses customized attack scenarios in which Tevora leverages on-site social engineering techniques to gain unauthorized access to client facilities or obtain access to sensitive client information. Scenarios typically target technical and non-technical staff and are uniquely crafted based on goals of each client.


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to tailgate social engineering attacks.


Uses customized attack scenarios in which Tevora leverages on-site tailgate social engineering techniques to gain unauthorized access to client facilities. Engagement typically takes place over several time periods and egress points to test possible adversary entry points into secure areas.


Analyze client’s physical security controls to identify deficiencies.


Conducts a working session with client team, individual interviews with key staff, and physical controls walkthrough to identify deficiencies in physical security controls. Tevora conducts client meetings and analysis remotely. Review is performed from an adversarial perspective to identify real-world vulnerabilities to latest techniques used by sophisticated attackers.


Test and validate client’s security awareness and vulnerability to attacks that circumvent physical controls or use on-site social engineering techniques to gain physical access to restricted areas, gain network access, or compromise sensitive data.


Our adversary simulation services team conducts reconnaissance using a black box approach to profile client’s environment. Based on reconnaissance findings, uses a variety of physical infiltration methodologies to gain covert access to client’s restricted areas, networks, and sensitive data.

Driven By The Wins

We’ve racked up more than our share of praise. Here are some of the awards and credentials we’ve earned for our performance, growth, and innovation.

Our Guiding Principles

Insightful Advice

We care about our clients and each other. We want every relationship to be long-term, so we look to make personal connections and real friendships with everyone we work with.

Expert Resource

We draw from our team’s deep knowledge to devise strategies, design processes, and come up with smart solutions to address each client’s unique risks and daily threats.

Confident Delivery

We are a steady presence in a high-risk industry. We take our responsibilities seriously and follow through with excellence, every step of the way.

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