| Ransomware Preparedness

Prepare your organization for ransomware attacks, ensuring you are ready to respond quickly and effectively to minimize potential impacts.

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Ransomware Statistics




The amount ransomware is expected to cost the world by 2031

(Cybersecurity Ventures, 2023)




The largest ransomware payout made by an insurance company, setting a new record

(Cybersecurity Ventures, 2023)



Number of ransomware attempts in 2022…

(Statista, 2023)



Respondents who experienced significant revenue loss resulting from of a ransomware attack

(Cybereason, 2023)

Ransomware Threat Assessment

Assess possible ransomware vulnerabilities.

A threat-based assessment to identify, validate, and provide remediation steps for any vulnerabilities that can be exploited for potential ransomware attacks.

Utilizing a Purple Teaming approach in which our Red Team partners with your Blue Team to identify and validate ransomware attack vectors.

Simulating real world ransomware attacks by using the latest ransomware payloads and attack strategies, as well as our Threat team’s deep knowledge base and expertise to help you be prepared.

Ransomware Readiness Assessment

Fortify your defenses against an attack.

Using tabletop attack scenarios and exercises to ensure your people, processes, controls, and technologies are up to date and ready to handle any adverse scenario.

Evaluating your ability to effectively and quickly respond to a ransomware attack.

Identifying weak points in your systems to dramatically reduce your attack surface.

Enterprise Ransomware Risk Assessment

Protect your organizational controls and strategy.

Collaborating with key stakeholders to identify and assess potential threats.

Prioritize and implement key security controls.

Treat any ransomware-related risks that may pose a threat to your organization’s strategy and objectives.

Privacy Impact Assessment

Secure your data operations from exposure.

Assess privacy risks and considerations related to data in your environment and the security controls in place to protect it.

Focus on the types of processing operations that are likely to result in a high risk to privacy rights of the people whose personal information you are handling.

Helps you understand how your sensitive data is used and how it may be exposed to ransomware attacks.

Data Mapping Service

Know where your data lives and how to safeguard it.

Provides a detailed map of how your data is used, where it comes from, how it flows through your organizations, and who it is shared with.

Uses data visualization capabilities to graphically depict the flow of data through your organization.

Helps you identify what data may be exposed to ransomware attacks.

Ransomware preparedness keeps you one step ahead of the bad guys.

In Need of Certification

With our deep and focused expertise, Tevora’s got you covered for your incident response needs.

Service-Focused Mindset

We approach every client relationship with a long-term outlook. We give you the attention and results you deserve, so we can continue to build on our success next time.

Superior Quality of Work

We combine deep security expertise with a laser focus on your unique requirements to deliver the best approach for your business.

Productized Services

After years in the business, we’ve packaged our services in a form that’s streamlined, cost-effective, and easy to understand.

Discover our in-depth knowledge on ransomware.

“As the frequency and sophistication of ransomware attacks continue to escalate, protecting your environment against these attacks is becoming table stakes for most organizations. Fortunately, our team of experienced specialists can help you minimize impacts when attacks occur and quickly return to normal operations.”



Driven By The Wins

We’ve racked up more than our share of praise. Here are some of the awards and credentials we’ve earned for our performance, growth, and innovation.

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